The Fiat Apocalypse

Endless war, de-dollarization, circus justice, and empire collapse @FractalBounce: June 18, 2024 The decline of empires has often been a multifaceted process, driven by a complex interplay of economic, political, and social factors. In the modern context, the United States faces similar challenges that have historically precipitated the fall of great powers. This analytical perspective delves into the interconnected roles of endless war, the shifting sands of de-dollarization, and the circus justice accelerating the decline of the U....

June 18, 2024

Money Changers in the Temple

Wheeling and Dealing in Sacred Space @FractalBounce: June 11, 2024 In his condemnation of the money changers, Jesus was not merely addressing a local issue of dishonest practices; he was delivering a timeless message that reverberates across ages to the ideological heirs of those very money changers: the fiat central bankers. Jesus foresaw their intrusion into the temple of God, the human being, transforming it into a marketplace. Today, we witness this prophecy realized as bankers, bolstered by big tech, big pharma, the media, and government, have invaded the sacred domain of the human temple, converting it into a den of thieves....

June 11, 2024

God and Bitcoin

Immoral Fiat Money @FractalBounce: April 17, 2024 Why should we build our house on the rock instead of sand? Sand is unstable, shifting, unfit for a solid foundation. But what if the entire world order was built on shifting sand? What would that look like? It would be a scene of unraveling, a spectacle of extremes where traditions and cherished ideals crumble before our eyes. We would witness the dismantling of societal structures, degeneration, debauchery, perversion, or outright destruction....

April 17, 2024

Blueprint for Tyranny WEF 2024 Part 2: The Green Agenda

Climate Scam @FractalBounce: Jan 26, 2024 In part 1 of our exploration of the recent Davos conference, we delved into the WEF’s apparent warning of an impending cyberattack. The World Economic Forum was created in 1971 as a public-private partnership. At the WEF’s annual conference business leaders and government officials convene to address global challenges and seek solutions, presenting an image of collective goodwill. Employing our globalist-decoder-ring, we unveiled the true Marxist undertones of their cautionary message, recognizing their aversion to God’s divine order and their allegiance to the Prince of Power....

January 26, 2024

Blueprint for Tyranny WEF 2024 Part 1: Cyber attack

Weaponizing Information @FractalBounce: Jan 20, 2024 In the midst of the annual gathering of unelected oligarchs and state actors in the globalist-banker stronghold of Switzerland, a seemingly benign conference unfolds on the surface. Business leaders and government officials convene to address global challenges and seek solutions, presenting an image of collective goodwill. However, for those who perceive beyond the facade and recognize that the Kings of the Earth are guided by darker forces, this conference transforms into a coded display of a nefarious agenda (see Kings of the Earth: Rule by State-an)....

January 20, 2024

Bitcoin’s Template: The Distributed Church

The First Decentralized Body @FractalBounce: Jan 19, 2024 In the cyclical view of history, the parallels between the origin and diffusion of Bitcoin and the rise of Christianity, particularly in the establishment of its early decentralized Church structure, unveil a fascinating narrative. The idea is that Bitcoin’s structure along with its rise and dissemination parallel the historical path of Christianity, establishing links not just in their mysterious beginnings but also in their collective reaction to perceived oppression, whether in the financial sphere or the realm of spiritual beliefs....

January 19, 2024

Why Bitcoin Matters

The Sword that Strikes the Nations @FractalBounce: Dec 4, 2023 Throughout history truths have been revealed to humanity. Some of these revelations came in the form of discoveries while others came in the form of insights or warnings about the future. This post explores the possibility that Bitcoin could be humanity’s latest and most significant revelation as it correctly identifies one of the root causes of human suffering, while at the same time offering a simple solution....

December 30, 2023

Hello Fiat Matrix

Unraveling the cage of control @FractalBounce: Dec 4, 2023 In “Kings of the Earth: Rule by STATE-an” we delved into the Biblical concept where Satan is granted dominion over the Earth, exerting influence on the governing authorities. Within this framework, these earthly rulers utilize the fiat system as a tool to create a confinement. for humanity. Through the weaponization of the monetary system, the Kings of the Earth actively promote Satan’s agenda, seeking to maintain a separation between humanity and God....

December 4, 2023

Kings of the Earth

Rule by STATE-an @FractalBounce: Nov 23, 2023 Although the following is expressed from a Biblical Christian standpoint, there is consensus among major religions regarding ethics and morality. All prominent religious traditions would concur that dishonesty, especially with the intent to steal, is inherently wrong and morally reprehensible. The fabric of the Western world appears to be rapidly disintegrating. The economic foundation is precarious, relying on a deceptive structure of fractional reserve central banking, resembling a Ponzi scheme....

November 23, 2023