Climate Scam

@FractalBounce: Jan 26, 2024

Bought science

In part 1 of our exploration of the recent Davos conference, we delved into the WEF’s apparent warning of an impending cyberattack. The World Economic Forum was created in 1971 as a public-private partnership. At the WEF’s annual conference business leaders and government officials convene to address global challenges and seek solutions, presenting an image of collective goodwill. Employing our globalist-decoder-ring, we unveiled the true Marxist undertones of their cautionary message, recognizing their aversion to God’s divine order and their allegiance to the Prince of Power. At its core, their concern lies in the growing awakening of individuals to their tyrannical agenda, which they attribute to “disinformation/misinformation.” In response, they categorize any dissenting content as “dangerous,” deeming it a global issue necessitating a global solution. The proposed mandate involves stripping away internet and financial privacy, with the implementation of digital IDs. Recognizing the reluctance of individuals to relinquish privacy voluntarily, there arises the ominous possibility of an orchestrated cyber event, exploited to usher in a cyber-patriot act. This revelation underscores the urgency of discerning the concealed motives behind seemingly benign warnings and resisting encroachments on fundamental freedoms.

A Sinister Formula

It is crucial to understand how a repeating pattern is used to control public perception. Initially, a problem is artfully crafted, carefully designed to evoke a specific response, typically fear. This fear is then magnified by emphasizing the problem’s purported global scale, elevating it to a level that demands an urgent, comprehensive solution. The suggested solution often involves limiting personal freedoms. These deceptions exploit societal fear, fostering a willingness to sacrifice liberties in the name of adopting the proposed solution. The same pattern continues, and the solutions always end up restricting personal freedom.

Lockdowns coming

Proposed solutions, initially positioned as temporary measures, insidiously embed themselves into the fabric of society. Once implemented, they usher in a transformation that is often irreversible. Power becomes concentrated in specific groups, and the protections that keep individual freedoms safe begin to disappear. The dilution of freedom becomes noticeable , altering the societal landscape in ways that were inconceivable before the choreographed problem-solution narrative took root.

Two historical examples that show this pattern are income tax and the post-9/11 Patriot Act. Income tax, introduced under the guise of addressing economic challenges, has persisted far beyond its initially stated objectives. Similarly, the 9/11 Patriot Act was meant to be a short-term response to security concerns but has had a lasting impact on civil liberties. Both examples demonstrate how this manipulative pattern leads to long-term consequences, allowing for temporary solutions to evolve into enduring mechanisms for the concentration of power and the erosion of individual freedoms.

A New Religion

The insidious tactics of the New World Order (NWO) extend beyond planned crises. The green agenda emerges as a pseudo-religious doctrine rooted in the climate scam. In this plan, making carbon is treated like a new sin, and being carbon neutral is seen as a kind of paradise. Society is implored to engage in fervent efforts to reduce their carbon footprint, under the dire assertion that time is of the essence and the apocalypse is imminent. The price tag attached to this supposed salvation reaches trillions of dollars, necessitating extensive government intervention and corporate compliance with governmental directives.

European Times

Once again, a familiar pattern shows up. The crisis of climate change is fabricated through dubious scientific claims, deliberately designed to instill panic and fear among the masses. The green agenda, presented as the fix for the coming disaster, aligns perfectly with the established strategy of creating a problem and then offering a solution. This planning not only perpetuates the concentration of power within governmental entities but also compels businesses and corporations to adhere to these new policies at the cost of limiting freedoms. The similarities with past manipulations are clear, showing a repeating pattern guiding the direction of how society changes.

An example of the manipulative agenda being strategically implemented can be clearly seen in the farmer protests unfolding across Europe. The European Union is at the forefront of the sinister climate agenda, casting farmers into the role of villains. They argue that the combination of animal respiration, flatulence, and the use of fertilizers are the primary contributors to climate change. In response, governments have positioned themselves as the planet’s saviors, assuming the responsibility of mitigating climate change. This has led to actions such as the confiscation of farmland, a measure that has understandably met with strong opposition from farmers. Many of these individuals and their families have worked their land for generations and view the government’s actions as an overreach of power.


Farmers protest the climate agenda in the UK Adding to the controversy, thousands of scientists from across the globe have challenged the assertion that CO2 is the primary cause of climate change. Despite this, the prevailing narrative seems to ignore these dissenting voices. The focus appears to be less on the truth and more on ensuring that the ruling class maintains its grip on power, molding the world according to their vision. This vision, regrettably, involves a reduction in freedom and sovereignty for the general population, alongside an increase in restrictions and demands for obedience.

The pursuit of this agenda has also led to a disregard for the scientific process and academic integrity. There’s a growing concern that these principles have been sacrificed in favor of narrative conformity, driven by the lure of academic grants funded by newly printed money. This has resulted in a multi-trillion dollar scam, one that could have dire consequences, potentially leading to poverty and starvation for millions of people around the world. This portrayal of the situation paints a grim picture of manipulation and control, sparking debates about the balance between environmental responsibility and the preservation of individual rights and freedoms.

The Problem

At the core of the green agenda’s deceptive narrative lies a fundamental contradiction. While allegedly aiming to address environmental concerns, the campaign against cheap energy jeopardizes a key driver of economic prosperity. Having access to affordable energy has always aided the economy’s prosperity. But the green agenda does the opposite, making it more difficult and unattainable for impoverished communities to improve their lives by restricting this valuable resource. Additionally, the restrictions on the use of fossil fuels under the green agenda impedes the ability of hard-working communities to cultivate crops, further exacerbating the challenges faced by those already grappling with limited resources.


The reaction to a manufactured crisis is one of fear and panic, a psychological state that primes individuals to relinquish critical faculties and accept the solution. This mental state makes individuals more likely to give up their critical thinking and accept the suggested solution. The creators of the green agenda use a deliberate plan, to “trust their science” positioning themselves as experts. By instilling a belief in the accuracy of previous warnings and predictions, they foster the perception that human actions, particularly within the realm of capitalism and consumption, are the root cause of the crisis. The ultimate goal is to convince people that changing their lifestyle, like using less and working together, is the solution to the supposed problem.


The proposed solution aligns with the over-reaching agenda of centralized control. Governments and businesses are pressured to prioritize the green agenda, framing it as a top priority, necessitating global coordination. Governments are told to take charge, making unilateral decisions, and violating laws when deemed necessary, further concentrating power within the hands of the ruling class. At the same time, businesses are coerced into prioritizing the green agenda. is not merely a course correction but a radical overhaul, marked by a shift towards centralized control and a recalibration of societal values in line with the green agenda’s dictates.

Things I’m woored about graphic

When we look closely at the scientific claims, the story doesn’t make sense. For the past 60 years, every prediction from the climate group has been inaccurate. The predicted doomsday scenarios have failed to materialize repeatedly. Many scientists disagree with the mainstream view on the climate crisis, yet these dissenters are systematically marginalized, silenced, and deplatformed to create a misleading illusion of consensus among “experts.” Objective data does not align with the green agenda, exposing a gap between the narrative and reality. This idea of rule by experts is a way to create a false reality in society, as discussed in Hello Fiat Matrix.

Global warming in China

Analysis reveals that the alleged climate agenda is deceptive and a tool to manipulate and control. When we recognize that the climate naturally changes over time, it becomes clear that the narrative is a veil for a calculated power grab and wealth transfer. Recent predictions from the World Economic Forum demonstrate that an extraordinary amount of money will be needed for decarbonization, presenting the climate emergency as a strategic opportunity for those in power to assert full control over the economy through the guise of green subsidies. Almost a trillion dollars is estimated to be needed to implement these plans. It is critical to examine the agenda’s true motives and for a discerning public to question the genuine intentions behind the climate initiatives. Additionally, the public must remain vigilant against potential manipulations of power and wealth under the pretext of environmental concerns.