Rule by STATE-an

@FractalBounce: Nov 23, 2023

Kings of the Earth

Although the following is expressed from a Biblical Christian standpoint, there is consensus among major religions regarding ethics and morality. All prominent religious traditions would concur that dishonesty, especially with the intent to steal, is inherently wrong and morally reprehensible.

The fabric of the Western world appears to be rapidly disintegrating. The economic foundation is precarious, relying on a deceptive structure of fractional reserve central banking, resembling a Ponzi scheme. Institutions are in disarray, with the government veiling the truth about its actions. The news industry perpetuates misinformation, and in school, young children are taught ideological falsehoods instead of math and science. Our food poses a gradual threat to health, and the medical-pharma complex has caused widespread harm. Culture has devolved into an extreme spectacle, and the promises of globalism and a New World Order have resulted in a chaotic dismantling of our cherished ideals. Virtually everything appears to have succumbed to degeneration, debauchery, perversion, or outright destruction. Is this a naturally occurring process, or is it by design? Are our leaders inept, or is there a malevolent intent behind these disturbing trends?

In the rich selection of Biblical narratives, a recurring theme depicts governments and rulers as the “kings of the earth,” holding sway over the fates of nations and their inhabitants. This symbolic designation is not merely an honorary title; rather, it encapsulates the pervasive influence wielded by earthly powers. Numerous verses in the Bible underscore this depiction, emphasizing the alignment of political entities with the biblical concept of the “kings of the earth.”

But to whom do these kings of the earth pledge their allegiance? According to the biblical narrative, their service is directed by Satan, acknowledged as the Prince of the Earth with authority over the nations. This dynamic is vividly illustrated in the Temptation of Jesus, the third and final trial He faced in the wilderness. Confronted by the devil’s enticement of worldly power and dominion, Jesus responded by affirming the worship and service due only to God. Intriguingly, Jesus did not dispute the premise of Satan’s proposal, acknowledging that the nations of the earth belong to Satan.

Philips Augustijn Immenraet The Temptation of Christ 1663 Philips Augustijn Immenraet The Temptation of Christ 1663

Why would Jesus be tempted with such an offer? The answer lies in the fact that while Jesus is the true king of the earth, dominion was temporarily ceded to Satan after the fall. Revelation 1:5 emphasizes that Jesus is the “ruler of the kings of the earth.” In a fascinating twist, Satan, the deceiver, assumes the role of the Prince of Power, permitted by God to do so as part of the unfolding divine plan of salvation. Psalm 2:2 further illuminates this intricate narrative, depicting the kings of the earth and rulers conspiring against God.

"The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed."

If Satan holds dominion as the prince of power, and the kings of the earth are subject to his influence, then governments are positioned as adversaries to both God and His people. Should this be accurate, we would observe a lengthy history of governments governed by deceit, acting in contradiction to divine teachings. The central theme becomes Satan’s deceptive strategies, deciphering the subtle methods through which he manipulates and subjugates humanity. The Bible is rich with cautionary accounts about Satan’s prowess in deception, portraying him as a cunning manipulator adept at exploiting human weaknesses. In 2 Corinthians 11:14, the apostle Paul cautions,

"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." 

This vivid depiction emphasizes the deceptive nature of Satan’s tactics, where he conceals malicious intentions behind a veneer of righteousness and enlightenment.

Having established that the governments of the earth serve Satan, we must delve into the question of Satan’s purpose and the role governments play in his agenda. The scriptural narrative presents a vivid portrayal of Satan as a cunning adversary, utilizing deceit as his primary instrument to maintain a separation between humanity and God. This separation is perpetuated through an inverted narrative, wherein government becomes a tool wielded by Satan to keep individuals distanced from God. The historical example of Jesus, who sought to reunite humanity with God and was ultimately executed by the governments of Rome and Judea, serves as a poignant illustration of this cosmic battle between good and evil. Earth, it seems, becomes the battleground for this profound spiritual warfare.

With a clear understanding of governments as tools of Satan designed to deceive and create separation from God, we can now examine the historical methods governments have employed to subjugate their people. Acting as a deceiver, Satan promises liberty while delivering tyranny. The initial lie to Adam and Eve, suggesting they could be like God, underscored the falsehood as they were already created in God’s image, and true liberty and knowledge exist solely within God. Instead of gaining knowledge and liberty, they faced the internal tyranny of sin, laying the groundwork for the collective tyranny imposed by governments. This marked the beginning of humanity’s struggle with tyranny.

Kings of the Earth

Throughout the Old and New Testaments, the narratives depict Israel’s ongoing struggle with tyranny, evident in their experiences with oppressive powers such as Egypt, Babylon, Persia, and later, Rome. The fall of man initiated a perpetual struggle with tyranny, both internal and external. As long as Satan continues to hold sway as the prince of the earth, nations will inevitably impose various forms of tyranny on their people.

If indeed the earthly powers align with Satan’s goal to ensnare humanity, it logically follows that mechanisms facilitating control and manipulation would be of utmost importance. What single system encompasses all other earthly systems? What is indispensable in life? The answer is money. Money serves as the vessel for storing human energy, as the results of our labor are exchanged for money, a medium that can be held or transferred for various goods and services. This transforms money into a repository of stored human energy—a crucial point in the context of spiritual warfare, where Satan’s aim is to dominate the human soul, the essence of our human energy.

Enter the fiat monetary system, a pivotal tool wielded by rulers advancing nefarious agendas. The ability to create money at will, lacking intrinsic value or tangible assets, grants these rulers unprecedented power and control. Essentially, fiat currency becomes a mechanism through which kings exercise dominion, shaping the economic landscape and influencing all aspects of society. The boundless creation of money serves as the lifeblood of this tyrannical structure, enabling rulers to mold reality according to their desires. This power extends to the manipulation of media narratives, control over educational institutions, influence in markets, and even shaping religious institutions. Therefore, the fiat monetary system emerges as the linchpin in perpetuating the envisioned tyranny of the kings of the earth, consolidating their power and ensuring the subjugation of humanity to their will.

The dynamics of the fiat monetary system mirror those found in fraudulent investment Ponzi schemes. The reliance on a continuous influx of new money for growth parallels the need for fresh investors in a Ponzi scheme to meet returns. Concerns about the deceptive nature of fiat money, with central banks influencing the money supply and potentially eroding its value, add to this comparison. Questions about the sustainability of a debt-based system also arise, raising concerns about possible economic crises or currency devaluation. The fiat Ponzi scheme is not the endgame; rather, it is a tool for constructing the ultimate product—the Fiat Matrix, a cage or prison in which humanity is “stored” while their human energy is siphoned. In a future post titled “Hello Fiat Matrix,” we will explore the nature of this structure. Essentially, the ability to print unlimited money allows the rulers to design and launch an unlimited number of psyops on their subjects / citizens.

Fiat matrix

In our journey through the numerous narratives of societal unraveling and spiritual warfare, the revelations are both disconcerting and illuminating. As we grapple with the complex interplay between earthly powers, spiritual forces, and the tools of deception, the Fiat Matrix emerges as a powerful metaphor for the containment and manipulation of human energy. The daunting question lingers: Are these trends a result of organic societal evolution or the calculated orchestration of malevolent forces? Regardless of the answer, the call to awareness and discernment becomes paramount. Understanding the multifaceted layers of this narrative equips us to navigate the currents of our times, fostering a collective consciousness that seeks truth and resists the subtle deceptions that threaten the very essence of our humanity. In the quest for a deeper understanding, we stand at the intersection of history, spirituality, and societal dynamics, poised to decipher the complex forces that guide our world.