The Sword that Strikes the Nations

@FractalBounce: Dec 4, 2023

Bitcoin Sword

Throughout history truths have been revealed to humanity. Some of these revelations came in the form of discoveries while others came in the form of insights or warnings about the future.

This post explores the possibility that Bitcoin could be humanity’s latest and most significant revelation as it correctly identifies one of the root causes of human suffering, while at the same time offering a simple solution. This post is best understood after reading Kings of the Earth, and Hello Fiat Matrix

Governments and the Satanic Enslavement

Governments across the globe are subservient to Satan. Utilizing his influence and acting under his authority, these governments seized control of the monetary system, repurposing it to create the ultimate tool of enslavement, the fiat matrix. This complex construct represents a fabricated reality imposed upon the collective consciousness of humanity. It operates as a discreet yet compelling tyranny, infiltrating every facet of life. Opting out of this system, entails consequences such as the inability to engage in buying, selling, or trading outside the confines of this cage. This portrayal underscores a perception of governance entangled with spiritual forces and a monetary system wielded as a mechanism of control.

In a scenario where viable alternatives are scarce, the majority of the global populace has been coerced into adopting the fiat monetary system. In this framework, one currency holds supremacy over all others, and that is the US dollar, serving as the global reserve currency. Originally, this arrangement intended to tether the dollar to gold, while other currencies would be pegged to the dollar, but never directly to gold. This concept emerged at Bretton Woods post-World War II. However, the desire to consolidate power led the influential figures behind the dollar to sever its link to gold, which was perceived as a constraint on their power. The reality may be that the US lacked adequate gold reserves to match its extensive currency printing. In 1971, President Nixon announced the decoupling of the dollar from gold, allowing the government to borrow limitless funds. Their financial associates on the other end of these loans were more than willing to facilitate, thereby potentially subjecting future generations of Americans to a form of enslavement through mounting debts. As wealth accumulated, so did influence. Bolstered by this augmented power, they embarked on enhancing the structure of control—the fiat matrix. This involved deploying limitless psychological operations to manipulate societal and cultural dynamics in accordance with their objectives.

Bitcoin: The Providential Intervention

In the shadow of the fiat matrix, a seemingly providential intervention takes center stage in the form of Bitcoin. This decentralized digital network emerges as a project purposefully designed to address the inherent problems entrenched within the fiat monetary system. Bitcoin’s origins, shrouded in mystery and anonymity, mirror narratives of divine interventions found in religious texts. In its seemingly immaculate conception, Bitcoin materializes not under the auspices of a central authority or governing body but through the collaborative efforts of a pseudonymous entity known as Satoshi Nakamoto. The deliberate choice to remain unidentified lends an air of enigma to Bitcoin’s origins, fostering a parallel with narratives of immaculate conceptions where divine manifestations occur beyond the understanding of mortal comprehension.

Moreover, the rejection of monetary reward (1 million BTC remain untouched), a hallmark of Bitcoin’s genesis block remaining untouched, adds a layer of significance to its emergence.

This amounts to around forty billion dollars at the time of this writing. Unlike traditional economic endeavors driven by profit motives, Bitcoin’s inception carries an ethos distinctively separate from the prevailing fiat mindset. The untouched genesis block coins, often seen as a testament to Satoshi Nakamoto’s commitment to the project’s ideals over personal gain, reinforces the notion that Bitcoin is not merely a financial instrument but a philosophical stance against the corrupted foundations of the fiat matrix. The deliberate act of forgoing monetary benefits serves as a poignant reminder that Bitcoin’s genesis aligns with a higher purpose, akin to the ideals found in narratives of selfless divine interventions throughout history. As we unravel the layers of Bitcoin’s emergence, it beckons us to ponder whether it might indeed be a tool crafted to challenge the prevailing order and offer humanity an alternative path to liberation.

Bitcoin’s foundation was laid upon a profound desire to anchor the economy to truth rather than succumb to the web of lies spun by the 2008 bailout. In the aftermath, companies that mismanaged their assets and took irrational risks found themselves unjustly rewarded with taxpayer money, an act of deception that would be etched into the history of Bitcoin’s creation. Satoshi Nakamoto, the enigmatic creator, left an indelible mark by including a newspaper headline in the note of the first transaction: “The chancellor is bailing out banks again” read the headline. Satoshi’s vision extended beyond mere dissatisfaction; he aimed for a trustless and automated method of measuring value, denouncing inflation and bailouts as transparent robberies of human wealth and energy. Using computer code he aspired to forge an immutable measure of value impervious to government interference, driven by a pure intent to eliminate deception and corruption. Satoshi’s critique extended to the fiat monetary system, which he considered to be built on shifting sand, and his aspiration was to rebuild a global financial system on an immovable foundation of rock. This vision materialized in the architecture of Bitcoin, with its 21 million maximum coins, a design element unchanged in the 14 years since its inception. The genesis block marked the creation of digital scarcity, an unprecedented achievement since the dawn of the internet. Recognizing the need for decentralization to prevent manipulation by any single group, Satoshi proposed a network run by node operators worldwide, ensuring consensus and determining the true chain of transactions. Incentivized by the prospect of maximum payment for their efforts, these nodes, acting in their self-interest, inadvertently secured the network. This unique system ingeniously converted greed into a force for freedom, shaping the ethos of the revolutionary Bitcoin network.

The Times of London News

In the ongoing saga of human struggle against the oppressive fiat system, Bitcoin emerges as a formidable counterattack—a decentralized force challenging the established order. Positioned as an unstoppable solution, Bitcoin operates outside the confines of traditional financial institutions and centralized control. Its decentralized nature, facilitated by blockchain technology, dismantles the hierarchies that the fiat matrix relies upon. Bitcoin acts as a digital disruptor, challenging the very foundations of the fiat monetary system that perpetuates the rulers’ tyranny. The symbolism of a sharp sword coming out of Jesus’s mouth, as depicted in biblical verses, finds an intriguing parallel in Bitcoin’s potential impact. In Revelation 19:15, it is foretold,

"I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice, he judges and wages war.

Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. 'He will rule them with an iron scepter.' He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty."

Rider on a whote horse

Here, the mouth serves as the origin of powerful words that bring about significant change. In the context of Bitcoin, code—a form of language—serves as the digital sword striking against the nations of the fiat matrix. The implications are profound, suggesting that Bitcoin’s emergence might represent a cyber gospel, a transformative force capable of dismantling the fiat matrix and paving the way for a new era of financial autonomy and liberation. Bitcoin undermines the most important tool of satanic enslavement, the fiat monetary system. It returns money to its purest form, energy.

The biblical perspective indicates that the Earth is under the dominion of Satan, with corrupt governments acting as subservient agents executing his plans. This collusion has manifested in the creation of the fiat matrix, the ultimate tool of enslavement, wherein human energy is confined to a cage or prison, directing it toward the rulers’ sinister objectives. The advent of Bitcoin seemingly emerged from the void, offering humanity an escape hatch—a means to preserve and store human energy beyond the clutches of governmental influence. This bitcoin provides a formidable tool for pushing back against tyranny, instilling hope for an alternative destiny founded on individual freedom and sovereignty. By liberating human energy, Bitcoin allows for a shift towards a more profound goal: the cultivation of spiritual energy and the re-connection with a higher power. In this newfound autonomy, there lies the potential for humanity to achieve unprecedented heights when its energy is no longer stolen and weaponized against itself.

As a tool seemingly designed to counteract the oppressive fiat matrix, Bitcoin presents itself as a potential divine revelation. Its emergence, rooted in cryptography and rejecting traditional monetary structures, raises intriguing questions about its role in neutralizing the power sources of enslavement. Could Bitcoin be the cyber gospel, a digital sword striking down the fiat nations and offering humanity a path to financial liberation? The exploration of these questions invites contemplation on the intersection of technology, spirituality, and the quest for human freedom.